Beard Transplantation

Beard transplantation is a medical aesthetic application who suffers from the beard loss because of genetic and hormonal problems.

Beard is very important part of men’s face. As SEM, we prepare your entire organization completely and with the highest medical care. For beard transplantation, natural look is very important. So we really care for this. As SEM, we know that the men really take care of their looking. When people look at any man face, they see the beard first.

What Are The Reasons of Beard Loss?

The most common reason for beard loss is the testosterone deficiency. Beard is prominent during the adolesence and it can fall down due to genetic and hormonal problems, skin diseases, wounds and burns.There are lots of reasons that affects the beard loss. Our doctors examine you at the first consultation and estimate the reason of youe beard loss on your face. We can perform beard transplant operations at the age of 20. The beard transplantation gives you more bushy beards, the closure of the desired scars and different facial expression.

Before Beard Transplant

SEM doctors perfoem FUE technique and DHI Technique transplantation operations for beard. When you contact us, we will request your face, beard and also your donor area photos. Our doctors will examine your photos and they will define the estimated grafts. According to graft quantity, your consultant will give the package information for you. When you decide to come to Istanbul, our team will do all the organization for you.
Afrer your first consultation, our doctors will provide you the exact graft quantity as a result of your hair analysis. They will draw the exact beard design in reference to your face shape. Our doctors will also check your beard growing angle degrees. Because they will do the trasnplantation according to the angle degree of your original hair. The naturality is the most important factor for us.

Beard Transplantation Methods

We are performing beard transplantation operation with 2 different techniques. These are FUE Technique and  DHI Technique. We collect all grafts from the donor area in all techniques. When we collect the grafts, we seperate them according to the hair quantity of grafts. We choose the most qualified and multiple grafts for natural look. There is no pain in operations thanks to local anestesia.

We use Sapphire FUE technique when we need to open channels. The beard transplantation has same preparations with hair transplantation. We are fixing the graft into the bals areas on your face one by one.

We are also performing DHI technique for beard transplant operations. We are taking the grafts from donor area as usual and then we plant with implanter choi pen one by one on your face.

For the best result, we pay attention on degrees of your natural beard. Our doctors arrange the angle degrees when they plant the hairs to your face.

After The Beard Transplant

Our doctors will give you the details of the follow-up. You will follow the after operation steps regarding to these suggestions. All scars will be gone at 15th day. Your new beard will start to grow up. You will take the final result at the 6 and 12 months. We are giving life time warranty for transplanted hairs. Our experienced doctors will provide you the right and natural look.


Treatment Summary

  • 1
    Number of Operations
  • 1-7 Hours
    Operation Duration
  • Local anesthesia
  • No
    Side Effects
  • Immediately
    Return to Work
  • 1-7 Days
    Full Recovery
  • Continuous
  • No

Attentions: *To avoid any side effects, consult our medical team.Please


Guests Satisfactions


You will take first result in 3 months and also you will take the exact results between 6 and 12 months. We are giving life time warranty for transplanted hairs. Our experienced doctors will provide you the right and natural look.
We are performing beard transplant operations in men as of age 20. The beard transplantation makes you more bushy beards, the closure of the desired scars and different facial expression.
There is no pain in operations thanks to local anestesia. We are using the thinnest dental needles. You wont be feel any pain with these needles.
We are performing beard transplantation operation with 2 different techniques. These are FUE Technique and DHI Technique. We are taking all grafts from the donor area for all Techniques.

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